OASIS - Viewing the OASIS submission history and inactivating an OASIS that was sent by mistake
To view the history of an OASIS
1. Go to the OASIS console and select the OASIS your are interested in.
2. Click the SUBMISSIION HISTORY button
The Sumbission History shows you anytime the OASIS changed status. Each status is described below:
- UNLOCKED: the first UNLOCK date is when the OASIS was first created. Any UNLOCKED dates after that would be times when somebody needed to make changes after it was locked in workflow.
- LOCKED: the first LOCK date is when it was locked by the HH CM in workflow. Any lock dates after that were performed in the OASIS console.
- SENT: the date that either the HH BOM or the Automation sent the locked OASIS to CMS.
- ACCEPTED/REJECTED: the date that the HH BOM or automation reviewed the IQIES report and updated the status of the OASIS based on that report.
- KEY FIELD CORRECTION: Anytime we need to make changes to a "key field" (shown in bold font in the OASIS) for an OASIS that was already accepted by CMS, we need to put it into KEY FIELD CORRECTION status to make the changes. After the changes are made, it can be locked again, then sent.
- NON-KEY FIELD CORRECTION: Anytime we need to make a change to a "non-key field" (shown in regular font in the OASIS) for an OASIS that was already accepted by CMS, we need to put it into NON-KEY FIELD CORRECTION status to make the change. After the changes are made, it can be locked again then sent.
If you find out that a certain OASIS was not actually supposed to be sent to CMS in the first place, you'll need to inactivate it with these steps:
First verify that it was sent to CMS by viewing the submission history. If it has and has been accepted, you'll now need to inactivate it. All steps must be completed to inactivate the OASIS in the CMS system.
1. (HH CM) Change OASIS status to INACTIVATED
2. (HH CM) Change OASIS status to LOCKED
3. (HH BOM or automation overnight) Send the OASIS to CMS
4. (HH BOM or automation overnight) Accept the OASIS once you've verified it was accepted in the IQIES report