Pulling Reports for OASIS Uploads

Pulling Reports for OASIS Uploads

Pulling Reports for OASIS Uploads

  1. Navigate to the iQies website (https://iqies.cms.gov/) & log in.
  2. Select Reports and Find a Report.
  3. Enter “Validation” in the keyword field and select Find Report
    1. Note: If you have pulled the report before, simply navigate to Reports Main and it will be listed near the bottom there under “Frequently Run Reports”
  4. Open the OASIS Agency Final Validation report.
  5. In the Provider Keyword filed, enter “Signature” and click Search.
  6. Select Add next to the agency you want to pull the report for.
  7. Select the Date Range for what report you want.
  8. Click Run Report.
  9. From here, you can use the report information to update the status of the OASIS in HCHB, or you can click the Download button in the top right and download as a PDF to save the report.

Links to related KB's:
  1. How to request iQies Access - LINK
  2. Creating & Uploading OASIS Assessments - LINK